Top 4 things our report revealed about email marketing…

Marketers love statistics and often build their strategy around data backed research. The research puts…

Email Marketing – How did it all start and how did it evolve? (Infographic)

Email changed the world of marketing. For most of us marketers, it’s hard to imagine…

3 reasons why small businesses should outsource and not do in-house email marketing

Email Marketing is the quickest, most effective and affordable tool for businesses to reach out…

Think email is Dull? Visit our Email Innovation Centre.

In this age where everyone has email and anyone can send email, what you need…

Creating 100% Customers

In the previous column, I wrote about how technology is transforming marketing. One of the…

Moving towards marketing automation sees Email ROI increase by 53%

It'€™s 37 years since the first email marketing message was sent and this oldest digital…

3 Golden rules to master multi-channel marketing

All roads lead to Rome. That more or less sums what marketing is all about…

What to do when real-time marketing mistakes happen

Everyone (even marketers) makes mistakes Real time marketing done wrong can be a big embarrassment.…

Netcore launches Smartech, India’s first cross-channel marketing automation platform

Digital marketing solutions provider Netcore has launched Smartech, a cloud-based marketing technology platform. With the…


Attracting new customers is only part of the game; the bigger part is to make…