Published by Forum Sheth on August 3, 2017

Cinepolis India Performs Data Enrichment Programme and Drives Maximum Customer Engagement using Netcore Smartech

Today I’m going to talk about one of our award-winning client campaigns that recently made it to CMO Asia Awards for Excellence in Branding and Marketing 2017 for the “Best use of Marketing Automation and Analytics”.

Cinépolis India is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cinepolis, the Mexican Cineplex giant and is the first international exhibitor in India.

Like every brand, Cinepolis India were looking to maximise their customer engagement and gradually drive conversions. But they were delivering all their customer engagement campaigns (SMS and Emails) to their existing (Indian) database that included a mix of active, inactive and unmapped customers. The engagement campaigns were simply delivered at scale – batch and blast, and this was also resulting in higher cost of communication. Due to batch and blast, the customer experience became non-delightful and their engagement rates went down drastically.

So, the primary obstacle was data! Having a consolidated and structured database was the need. And the next obstacle was executing the right marketing campaigns that can drive higher engagement.

That’s when Cinepolis India turned to Netcore Smartech!

To capture all the right data-points about the pan Indian customers, Netcore’s marketing technologist first segmented the existing database of email IDs and phone numbers into active, inactive and transacted customers.

Then skillfully designed a customer engagement campaign to capture the missing data points through a contest with an irresistible offer of winning free movie tickets for a year. The campaign enticed customers to participate in the contest where the customers had to fill a form which had mandatory fields asking them for their details (mobile number, email id, gender, city, movie preferences, etc.) and this allowed them to register themselves for the contest.

Next was a series of emails and SMSs planned exclusively for the existing, available database (mobile no. and email ids). A missed call number was also promoted at cinema halls and on the social media platforms to invite new users to participate in the contest.

Every segment was targeted with different content (subject lines and email content) and further retargeted with two reminder emails with a different set of content and instant offers to usher customers to participate in the contest. Similarly, for the missed call campaign, acknowledgement SMSes were sent with the contest landing page link followed by reminder messages.

Every time a user registered for the contest, unique codes were allocated and sent to the customer in real-time, via SMS and email. As the entire campaign was designed and executed through a full-stack, omni-channel Marketing Automation platform – Netcore Smartech, the entire data was mapped in real-time across multiple channels every time the users filled the forms.

When the customer data falls in place – structured, segmented, actionable, the customer engagement definitely becomes finer and relevant. Similarly, Cinepolis India now has an improved customer data which adds value to their campaigns. The brand now seamlessly executes automated engagement campaigns in a personalised and relevant manner. Overall, Cinepolis India realised commendable results like:

  • Over 44% open rate on emails and 20% click through rate for SMS
  • 13,410 email users registered out of 9,88,348 targeted – the click-to-fill conversion rate was about 34%
  • 17,600 SMS users registered out of 5,83,098 SMSes sent – the click-to-fill conversion rate was about 30%
  • 7,618 mobile users registered out of 52,383 missed calls received the click-to-fill conversion rate was about 23%
  • Overall, a whopping 87% response was achieved from the customers with the maximum engagement till date

Interesting? Download our success story to find out more!

If you are looking for customer engagement solutions immediately, get in touch with us!

Forum Sheth

Forum is a Content Writer at Netcore. She traverses her writing journey with a sole motto "Learn to Write, Write to Learn".